Why You Need to Have Motor Home Insurance

Taking a trip across the country in your vehicle is a great way to see all that the country has to offer. One great way to do this is to do it in your very own motorhome. If you have a motorhome, making sure that it is properly covered by insurance is a necessity. There are several reasons why you should have a full motorhome insurance policy at all times.

Gives You Liability Protection

One of the main reasons why you should have a motorhome insurance policy at all times is because it will give you the liability protection that you need. Those that are in the Lakewood, CO area that have a motorhome will need to abide by the same minimum liability insurance requirements that are required by the state of Colorado. This coverage will provide you with some liability protection in the event you are found to be at fault in an accident.

Personal Belongings Protection

Another reason why you should have insurance in your motorhome is that it will provide you with protection for your personal belongings. A motorhome is more than a vehicle because it can also be a primary form of residence. Along with this, you may also keep many of your personal items in the motorhome at all times. 

When you have a motorhome insurance policy in place, you can be assured that your motorhome and your personal belongings will be protected. A full motorhome insurance policy will provide you with protection against vandalism, theft, and other types of damages or losses.

For those that are in the Lakewood, CO area, meeting with Premier Group Insurance to discuss their insurance needs will be beneficial. Premier Group Insurance will be able to explain to you all of the benefits of having a quality motorhome insurance policy in place. 

Do You Need RV Insurance Year Round?

Even if you own an RV, you may not be using it at all times during the year. Just because you do not use it all the time does not mean that you should not always have RV insurance coverage on it. If you are wondering why you should have this coverage, be sure to take a look at these reasons from Premier Group Insurance, serving Ft. Collins and the Lakewood, CO area.

  • You don’t always know when you will have to drive the RV – Surprise incidents could arise that make you have to drive or move your RV from one location to another. If an accident were to occur, you could face stiff penalties and high costs. It could also be a hassle to try to get insurance at the last minute.
  • You want coverage for any damage – Damage can happen at any time to your RV, but if you do not have coverage, you will have to pay for it out of pocket. You also never know when this will happen, so you want to have coverage year round. This pertains not only to damage from the environment but also if someone steals or vandalizes it. 

As you can see, it is important to make sure you always have the coverage you need on your RV, even if you are not using it at all times. If you are living and traveling in your RV, then it makes sense to always have the coverage, but you should also have it even if you aren’t.

If you are looking at getting RV insurance, be sure to give us a call here at Premier Group Insurance, serving the Ft. Collins and Lakewood, CO area. We can get you a free quote and will walk you through the insurance process. Reach out to our offices to have your questions answered.

Motorcycle Insurance: 3 Things You Didn’t Know It Covered

Riding a motorcycle instead of driving a car can be beneficial in many ways. For instance, bikes are less expensive compared to vehicles. The fuel and maintenance costs of a motorcycle are also on the lower end compared to those of a car. Motorbikes also offer convenience especially if you live in areas with sparse parking.

However, motorcycles can also be dangerous at times. Even responsible and experienced drivers get involved in life-threatening motorcycle accidents. Therefore, purchasing motorcycle insurance in Lakewood, CO is essential. Here are the three things you didn’t know that your motorcycle insurance covers.

Towing and Labor

If you are heading down the road for your holiday, the last thing that you need to happen is to have your motorcycle break down by the roadside jeopardizing your plans. Luckily, you can seek secure towing, and your motorcycle insurance provider will pay for the cost. This means that you can get back to the road as soon as possible without breaking the bank.

Your Scooter, Snowmobile, and ATV Are Covered as Well

Are you surprised how the ATV, scooter, and snowmobile may be able to be covered yet they aren’t motorcycles? Well, most insurance providers, such as Premier Group Insurance, may cover various leisure vehicles under their motorcycle insurance policies. Be sure to speak to an agent about what qualifies under this policy.

Protective Gear

Protective gear is another thing that is covered by your motorcycle insurance policy. Along with the motorcycle itself, you get quality coverage for the equipment you need to ride safely in Lakewood, CO. Protective gear such as boots, gloves, helmets, and the bodysuits don’t come cheap. Fortunately, if something happens to your protective gear or if you lose them, then your standard motorcycle insurance policy will help you replace them.

Contact Premier Group Insurance today to speak with an agent about motorcycle insurance options and to get a quote.

Does Your Boat Insurance Need an Update This Spring?

Spring means that your thoughts probably turn to spending time out on the water. Here at Premier Group Insurance in Lakewood, CO, we want to encourage you to take a few moments during all the preparations involved in getting your boat out on the water to take a look at your boat insurance. 

Spring Time Boating in Colorado

Before you take your boat out this spring, it is important to make sure that your insurance is ready for your adventures. At Premier Group Insurance, we recommend that you take a look at your boat insurance coverage to make sure that it aligns with your needs and your goals. We encourage you to make an appointment with us to go over the details of your boat insurance. You might not have the coverage you need to be fully protected if something unexpected happens to your boat or its passengers while you’re out on the water having a good time this year. 

Another reason why it is a good idea to take a few minutes to look over your insurance coverage for your boat is that there could be options available that you might not know about. You could have access to expanded insurance coverage options that could give you more coverage for the same amount of money. Alternatively, with a few tweaks to better meet your current situation, you might be able to save some money on your insurance for the same great coverage that you are used to getting from us. 

As you are going over your springtime boat checks and touching up the paint, we encourage you to visit us at our Lakewood, CO office at 8582 W Colfax Ave to discuss the insurance you have on your boat. You can also visit our website, email us, or give us a call. 

Will my umbrella policy help with general liability?

Everyone knows that it is vital to protect yourself by carrying adequate insurance. You need insurance for your home, business, and automobile just in case you suffer a loss that you won’t be able to pay for out of pocket. It is particularly important when you have a small business, as you have a lot of your life invested in your business. When you purchased your general liability insurance policy, you knew it would protect you from property damage, bodily injury, and even advertising injury claims. If you live in Lakewood, CO and are worried whether your policy limits are high enough, a representative from Premier Group Insurance can talk to you about your concerns and some possible other options.

Umbrella insurance can help you get covered by providing additional coverage in case you end up owing more than your policy allows. Your limit on your umbrella insurance policy will be much higher and can supplement your other insurance policies, including property and auto insurance. It will also help you by providing additional coverage for general liability claims, such as property and bodily injury claims. 

Owing more money is a real danger if you end up being a defendant in a lawsuit. Your umbrella policy will cover all your legal damages up to the policy limit. You can even recover legal fees, and be covered for false arrest, slander, and libel.

If you have an umbrella insurance policy, your protection will kick in as soon as your other insurance reaches its limit. Your legal defense will be paid, even if you are found not liable in the lawsuit. Your insurance company will even pay if there is an agreed settlement amount, up to the limits of the policy. If you would like to receive this crucial additional coverage in Lakewood, CO, contact Premier Group Insurance today. Our agents are ready to help you get started.

Is Flood Insurance Mandatory?

Home insurance is something that we should all have even if you have paid off your home and are not required by your lender to do so. Home insurance is also something that may not cover all the risks that are presented to your home. For those in the Colorado Springs or Lakewood, CO area, the agents with Premier Group Insurance can help you to find the right policy for you.

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

Flood insurance is often seen as a supplementary policy that not all homeowner’s need to have in place. The reason for this is that floods are not something that all homeowner’s have to deal with or have to even worry about. Some homeowner’s do not see enough rain or enough water in the course of a year to warrant an extra flood policy while others have to deal with the potential for flood every single day.

Flood insurance as a rule is not mandatory and is also considered to be an extra coverage that will add cost to your policy overall if you do decide to take out a policy. It is important to know if you live in a high-risk flood zone and should prepare accordingly. Although you may not live in a flooding area, it is also important to check and see what the history of flooding in the area might be like. A good portion of flood claims come from areas that are not in flood plains.

For those that feel they may need a flood policy, taking the time to talk with an agent will make a huge deal of difference in the overall success of your homeowner’s policy. For those in the Colorado Springs or Lakewood, CO area, the agents with Premier Group Insurance can help you to find the right policy for your needs quickly and easily so that you can stop worrying about floods and other disasters that may damage your home.

Determining the Necessary Type and Amount of Life Insurance in the State of Colorado

Life insurance is meant to give someone financial assistance in the event of someone’s death. This person is called a “beneficiary,” and he or she is chosen by the person listed on the policy. Many factors determine what type of coverage you may need, and the same is true with the amount as well. Be sure to speak to an agent to get some professional advice on what type of life insurance you need as well as on the amount.

Types of Life Insurance

There are two types of life insurance policies, and each one has its advantages and disadvantages. You should choose one that will best suit your needs, and it should fall within your budget. The two types of life insurance policies are:

  • Term Life Insurance – Covers you for a certain number of years, and it will only pay the death benefit if it happens within that term. While the premiums for term life insurance can be lower, they don’t build up any cash value over time. Also, you may not be able to renew them at the end of the term.
  • Whole Life Insurance – While their premiums can be higher, whole life policies will give you lifetime protection. And in some cases, they can build up cash value while the coverage is in force.

If you want to find the best policy for your specific needs, please be sure to contact Premier Group Insurance in Lakewood, CO today!

What Determines Life Insurance Premiums

Many factors can determine the cost of life insurance, and it’s not just about the amount or type of policy that’s being written. Your age is an important factor, and your health can play a significant role in how much you will have to pay or whether you can get covered at all. If you have a pre-existing condition or any chronic illness (like diabetes or high blood pressure), you might not be able to get a life insurance policy. And the same can be true if you participate in any dangerous activities (such as skydiving or rock climbing).

Smoking or excessive drinking will raise your premiums, especially if you were engaged in these activities in the past five years. You should talk to an insurance agent so you can find a policy that’s best suited for your specific situation, and Premier Group Insurance has a team of people who can help you. If you live in Colorado Springs, Ft. Collins, or Lakewood, CO, and want to get an affordable life insurance policy, be sure to contact our office today!

Is Commercial Insurance Required for My Business?

The answer to whether or not you are required to have commercial insurance for your business is not as straight-forward as it may sound. It depends on the type of business you own, and how you conduct your business. Learn more about this complex form of insurance from Premier Group Insurance. 

The Bare Minimums 

If you are planning to hire employees, you’re required to have some form of workers’ compensation (which falls under the commercial insurance umbrella.) For business owners in Colorado Springs and Lakewood, CO, they need a way to protect their workers from any injuries that may occur when they’re on the premises. Injuries can range from a broken foot when a stray piece of office furniture was left in an aisle to chronic back pain after sitting in the wrong chair. If you have a car, then you’re required to have commercial auto insurance for that vehicle as well. However, successful business owners know they need to do more than just the bare minimums to get by. 

 Additional Factors 

It may not be required for you to have coverage to cover your physical property (e.g., office electronics, furniture, etc.), though that doesn’t mean that you should leave your expensive equipment to chance. Also, if you choose to rent your property, you may be required by the landlord to have commercial property insurance, depending on their leasing requirements. Finally, if you’re planning to deal with customers, you should likely have some type of liability insurance in case of injury or product malfunction. 

Premier Group Insurance serves the business owners of Colorado Springs and Lakewood, CO, and we’re here to help you too! Call us today if you’re looking for more information about the best possible type of commercial insurance for you. 

Will home insurance cover mold in my basement?

Basements are pretty creepy places, to begin with. There are dark corners, spiders, and that awful basement smell. But what if that smell we so commonly associated with basements is mold? 

When left untreated, mold can have severe consequences for your home and your health. Many types of mold can cause allergies, respiratory infections, and if left untreated long enough, can potentially be fatal. It makes sense that if mold is in your home, your home insurance will cover the cost to fix the damage right? It turns out that might not always be the case. Luckily, the experts at Premier Group Insurance, serving those in Lakewood, CO, have the details on what may and may not be covered.

The determining factor for whether or not home insurance will cover mold is the source of the mold. If the mold in your basement is a result of a home catastrophe, such as a broken pipe, then yes, home insurance would cover the expense to remediate the mold. If however, the mold in your basement is a result of a flood, chances are the mold remediation will not be covered. This is because, in most home insurance policies, flood damage is not covered unless a person has additional flood insurance. One other way that mold remediation would not be covered is if it is deemed the mold is a result of neglect or negligence. In this case, the fault and the cost are solely on the homeowner’s shoulders.

Knowing the ins and outs of home insurance can be complicated, but luckily the professionals at Premier Group Insurance can help. If you are a resident of Lakewood, CO and have questions concerning your existing home insurance policy, or if you need help starting a new home insurance policy, feel free to reach out to our office. Our expert staff is eager to assist you with any questions you may have.