When you purchase home insurance from Premier Group Insurance, it protects you from incurring out-of-pocket expenses when disasters strike. This means that home insurance won’t prevent risks from occurring, but it lessens your financial burden when perils occur. Unfortunately, some Lakewood, CO homeowners don’t carry home insurance because they are unaware of what it covers or think it’s a waste of money.
Whichever the reason, they miss on a couple of benefits of home insurance. Here are four ways in which homeowner’s insurance protects you.
Dwelling protection
While you can keep off some perils by locking your doors and investing in home security systems, these measures can only stretch as far. For disasters like hail, falling objects, fire, and others, you need home insurance to protect your home. This way, your home can be rebuilt or repaired when damaged without you using your finances.
Personal property
Home insurance isn’t all about your building only. It extends to cover personal belongings such as clothing, electronics, furniture, and other assets when lost or damaged. This prevents you from starting from scratch when perils strike the valuables you have spent years accumulating.
Liability protection
Assume the following instances happen. Your son throws a ball and injures your neighbor’s kid. Or perhaps, a guest slips and sustains head injuries while on your premises. While both incidences could be unintentional, you could be held responsible. Thankfully, when you have home insurance, you don’t have to worry about third-party expenses.
Home insurance covers bodily injury, property damage, and legal costs when you are accused of causing harm to other people.
Additional living expenses coverage
Home insurance ensures that you don’t have to call your friends to look for accommodation when your home is damaged. Instead, home insurance covers costs like hotel food and accommodation as your home undergoes repairs caused by a covered peril.
Buy home insurance today!
Are you shopping for home insurance in Lakewood, CO? Please contact Premier Group Insurance today for an affordable quote.